The STEM Ambassador Resource Lending Library is now open. STEM Ambassadors based in Scotland can borrow physical kits from SSERC for free, filter for "physical" under resource type to see what is available.
Complete this form to book:
Email: with any questions.
Resource type

STEM Ambassadors from across Scotland have completed profiles which puts the spotlight on them and help you learn more about their experiences.

Forestry and Aquaculture STEM Week Resources 2021
Browse careers resources with a focus on forestry and aquaculture.

SAIS Week 2023
Head to the Careers Interview section of this event page to hear from STEM Ambassadors about their careers.

SAIS Research Blogs
Research based STEM Ambassadors share their experiences and their current research.

SAIS Case Study Blogs 2021
Stories from STEM Ambassadors about STEM activities they have delivered - a great to tool to help with planning.

SAIS Careers Carnival 2022
A panel of STEM Ambassadors share their experiences in a range of sectors from Chemistry and Life Sciences to Engineering and Space.

SAIS Celebrating Scotland 2021
Video interviews with inspirational STEM Ambassadors from Scotland who share their stories.

Learning by Doing Toolkit – for tech employers
A toolkit for employers offering young people technology work experiences.

Life Sciences Career Resource (SSPP)
This resource is designed to give you an overview of the Life Sciences industry.

SAIS Careers Carnival 2021
A panel of STEM Ambassadors share their experiences in a range of sectors from Chemistry and Life Sciences to Engineering and Space.

Light and Electronics exploration’ kit by UKESF & STMicroelectronics
Learn about electricity, create working electronic circuits and use light to measure objects and distance.

SSPP STEM Ambassador Toolkit
Toolkit to support STEM Ambassador involvement in SSPP 2024.

Feedback toolkit
Short activities to help you gather feedback during and after a STEM activity.

Activity Ideas for Early Years and First Level
Short STEM activities for Early Years and First Level learners.

Antibiotics under our feet Soil Exploration Kit Box
A kit that can be used to collect and analyse soil samples.

Get started with a tech club
These resources have been created by Skills Development Scotland and Digital Skills Education as part of a programme to support tech clubs across Scotland

Limit Less careers resources
The Limit Less careers booklets are aimed at 12-15-year-olds and their families. Filled with fascinating interviews and practical advice, they can help young people to understand the huge range of opportunities that studying physics beyond the age of 16 can open up.

Unisex Human Torso Model
A 45 cm human anatomy torso model with both male and female genitalia and reproductive organs, ideal for basic level anatomy education

My Amazing Brain
My Amazing Brain features free resources for educators of 8-12 year-olds (P5-P7) to help children explore all about how to keep their brain healthy.

BSW – Secondary Resource Pack 2023
A selection of resources for secondary learners linked to this years British Science Week theme - Connections

BSW – Primary Resource Pack 2023
A selection of resources for Primary age learners linked to this years British Science Week theme - Connections

Cell Biology Board Game: Cell Survival (School Version)
Cells are the smallest units of life. The environment around cells is always changing. Cells need to adapt to survive. This curriculum linked game and lesson plan introduces the world of cells to pupils 8-13. But can they keep their cells alive?

The Mystery Species
This story led series of activities can be used to explore species idenitification.

Our Changing Planet
This story led series of activities can be used to discuss Antarctica and climate change.

Lost in Space
This story led series of activities can be used to discuss travel through space.

Inside the Human Body
This series of activity ideas can be used along side our physical resources to explore the human body and what happens when you feel ill.

Snow Storm in a Jar
We might not get a White Christmas outside but you can make a winter snowstorm of your own — right at home.

STEM is for Everyone Toolkit
Materials put together in collaboration with the Improving Gender Balance and Equality team at Education Scotland to look at improving unconscious bias and inclusivity in STEM.

Virus Snowflakes
This booklet contains designs for decorative paper snowflakes - or are they? Look at them carefully enough and you will find that they are packed with virology details. Also includes class lessons for Level 3 of the Curriculum for Excellence which will introduce your class to viruses, vaccines and world leading research at the University of Glasgow.

Ada Scotland Festival 2022 – Lassies in STEM Resources
Resource/activity guide from Ada Scot Festival.

Space Reading Box
This box provided by Esero is full of beautiful space themed books for Primary aged learners

SULSA Colouring Book
Inspire your future scientists with our colouring-in book packed full of exciting jobs!

Explore Our World
3 challenges designed by SSERC Biology - for Biology and Environmental Science students

Minibeast kit & Digital Microscopes
A great resource to take outdoors and explore the fabulous world of minibeasts.

Quadcopter Design Challenge
A Mars Helicopter challenge from the Royal Aeronautical Society

ESA Space Case
Investigate properties of materials and decide which would be suitable for use on a spacecraft.

Kid K’NEX Education Classroom Collection
K'NEX Education Kids Classroom Collection for Children Aged 3 Years and Older

Curse of the Burial Dagger
From the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science. Curse of the Burial Dagger is an interactive graphic novel murder mystery, suitable for players aged 10+.

Tech Industry in Schools Toolkit
Skills Development Scotland have created a toolkit to support teaching Digital Technology in the classroom.

Teachers Guide to STEM Ambassadors
A how to guide for educators on using the STEM Ambassador Programme

STEM by the Book
STEM activities for Primary and Early Years linked to popular books. Covers CfE Early, First and Second Level Experiences and Outcome

Sustainability Cards
A deck of cards featuring a range of different jobs and how they link to any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

MWS ‘When will I ever use this?’
“But when will I ever use this” is a maths careers resource where we take the maths topics that learners find hard to contextualise.

STEM Ambassador Handbook
A guide to volunteering for new and experienced STEM Ambassadors

Youth and Community Groups Handbook
A guide to working with STEM Ambassadors for youth and community groups

Teachers Handbook
A guide to working with STEM Ambassadors for primary and secondary school teachers

Employer Handbook
Find out more about working with the STEM Ambassador Programme as an employer.

MWS Marvellous Maths
Videos created by STEM Ambassadors for Maths Week Scotland 2021, focusing on Maths in careers.

MWS Breakout Maths Challenges
Download and print maths challenges where learners have to discover the secret code

MWS Careers Cards
A deck of cards featuring a range of different jobs and how they link to maths.