Antibiotics under our feet Soil Exploration Kit Box
“Antibiotics under our feet” is a citizen science project based at The University of St Andrews seeking new chemical compounds from soil microbes to treat drug resistant infections.
The project has worked alongside schools and groups to collect soil samples using a soil auger and to measure and record environmental data. DNA was extracted from the soil samples and sent for next generation sequencing to identify the bacteria present. Environmental data was measured and recorded along with information about how humans and animals use their patch of ground as this affects the communities of bacteria that live in the soil.
This kit is available for STEM Ambassadors or primary level educators to borrow.
For STEM Educators
This kit box contains the special equipment needed for the learning activities. The activities can be either standalone activities or use tools on our “Antibiotics under our feet” website (such as our videos and interactive map).
In addition to five Second Level Curriculum for Excellence linked learning activities based around soil sample and environmental data collection, we have other microbe, DNA sequencing and soil science based activities and resources available for download suitable for both Primary (Second Level) and Secondary level. Curriculum areas include Science, Numeracy across Learning, Literacy across Learning and Health and Wellbeing across Learning.
The kit would also be suitable for those looking to investigate properties of soil and environmental factors generally including pH, temperature, rainfall and moisture content.
Suitable for age 8+ we have 3 of these kits available for lending.
To arrange to borrow these kits please email
Each kit box includes:
Soil auger (store and carry in tube)
Plastic scoop 50ml
Plastic gloves (size: small)
Mini pH tester
Mini moisture tester
Soil thermometer
Laminated reference copies of equipment identification sheet and risk assessment
“Bacteria and Antibiotics” book
50 Shades of Scotland’s Soil
Plastic beaker 250ml
Johnson indicator books – universal indicator pH 1-11
Rainfall gauge
Measuring tape
Pair junior safety goggles
Mass balance
Plastic stirring rod 150mm
Plastic spatula
Garden trowel
Selection of giant microbes
For STEM Ambassadors
As above
To arrange to borrow this kit please email